40 weeks and 3 days. I'm officially a statistic: women who go past their due date. Now, I know I can't complain too much as I've heard everyone's horror stories of: "I was fully effaced and 4cms dilated for a month and had the baby 3 weeks late after a 24 hour labor and c-section"... but, I'm going to complain anyway. It's my blog and I'll complain if I want to. Here goes. I want to have this baby! Lately I have done it all: walking, spinning, "pumping" (yes, I've already put that lovely image in your head through a past post - sorry), eating spicy food, consuming the basil (in italian food), squats, jumping jacks, walking up stairs... what else can I list here that won't put terrible mental images in your head? You don't need to picture a 40 week pregs body doing much more. And you know what my one conclusion is? I'm done with old wives' tales, natural induction methods and "so and so told me to try this.." This baby is going to arrive when she wants because here I am 40 weeks and 3 days.. and still pregnant. And disappointed because my doctor got my hopes up when he said "I think probably by this weekend!" And guess what Dr. S - this weekend is pretty much over! I'm trying to be patient and realize it could be worse. I've been pretty fortunate this pregnancy as it really hasn't been that bad, but now I'm just ready. My stomach is big and tight. My hips are sore. My heartburn is excruciating (I didn't know it was humanly possible to eat this many Tums. I should have bought stock!). And I've been cramping a lot. Can this please mean my body is almost ready?
Anyway, thanks for listening. Thanks for picturing my huge body doing jumping jacks. And thanks for sympathizing with the heartburn.
Now, I want Chinese food. Don't they say Chinese food can help bring on labor........?
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