I need to focus on the positives because today has unveiled some horrendous news. Everyone reading this knows what I'm talking about and I can't even bear what has happened. Right now mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents and more are sobbing with broken hearts. I'm home and trying to watch Irvin Berlin's White Christmas to distract me while I write this and attempt to process my thoughts.
Earlier I was shocked. I felt sick. I was horrified. I couldn't listen to the radio. Then I listened a bit more. I read countless Facebook statuses. I contributed statuses. I played with Cora. I hugged and kissed her all night and told her I loved her countless times. I put her to bed. I cried.
And then I took a few breaths and thought about what I do in this world, this life, this universe. I work for the YMCA. An organization that is out there every day trying to nourish and help communities, families and children. I work in the world of afterschool programming. I help provide enriching, nourishing, fun and safe places for children to be after school lets out, and before their parent can pick them up. I know I'm not saving the world, but after a day like today, I need to look at the positives. I need to focus, focus, focus. Because there are bigger things out there to worry about. Bigger things than a 14 month old's tantrums. Today? I'm thankful I have a 14 month old who can throw a tantrum.
I'm thankful for a lot today, and one of the things I'm thankful for is that I'm employed by an organization whose motto is "Nurturing the potential in every child. Promoting healthy living. Fostering a sense of social responsibility." I'm focused on living by this every day.
Sadly, I have no words of wisdom for you as you try to process what has happened today. My only thoughts to share are to breathe deep, remember to love yourself and those around you and focus on those things that are positive in your own world for you never know when things can suddenly turn dark. As Helen Keller said, "Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows."
And lastly, the Beatles said it best when they said "All you need is love."
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