Monday, November 28, 2011

Now I know why they make bibs...

Okay, it's been a while.  Yes, in fact a long while.  My goal is to "blog", write, document - whatever(!) as Cora grows up.. and just about my/our random experiences.  How can I sum up the past 2 months?... well, let's just use the fact that this is my first chance blogging as explanation for how my first 2 months have been.  And in case it isn't obvious enough?  I'll just say: crazy. exhausting. overwhelming. wonderful. overwhelming. exhausting... yes, some words bear repeating.

Cora is officially 2 months and 10 days old.  It's insane how fast time has flown... and yet, I feel like I've known her for a million years.  These past 2+ months have been some of the most intense days and moments in my life.  I gave birth to this amazing little human being and now I'm totally responsible for her - and it's scary and awesome and nerve-racking and insane all in one.

There's too much to re-cap from the past 2 month whirlwind... from poopy diapers, to peeing in the tubby, to nursing drama (that could be a weekly blog alone!), to cooing, smiling, laughing and more... but, I shall end on one note (before I start to *hopefully* blog more regularly).  Now I know why they make bibs.  In the beginning Cora didn't drool... she really just barely drooled.  Now?  She is a human drooling machine.  I'm talking soaking through multiple bibs.  Not sure what gives, but I'm glad I now have the zillions of bibs I thought I'd (foolishly!) never use.

That's all for now.  Stay dry, babies! ;)

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