Wednesday, July 18, 2012

day 2: this still sucks.

Last night I had flu-like symptoms.  Literally, I felt like I had the flu.  I felt like I had a fever, I felt body-achey, head-achey and overall really crummy.  This led me to google symptoms on the 1st day of a fast.  I'd heard the "release of toxins" during a fast/cleanse or even during a deep tissue massage, can give you flu-like symptoms.  After a quick google search I found other individuals sharing their symptoms on the first day of a juice fast: headache, nausea, flu-like aches, etc.  Check, check & check.  Sounds fun, doesn't it?  I read that you should really try to drink as much water as possibly to "flush out the toxins".  So, I chugged some more water and went to bed early (well, early for me).

I woke up this morning feeling okay.  I was motivated again and ready to juice.  Things were going well up until close to lunchtime... and then I started to crash.  I was just so damn hungry.  I powered through and chugged as much water as possibly (I think I've had around 100oz today).  However, early afternoon I was really hungry.  In the middle of making my afternoon/dinner juice I cheated.  Yes, folks, I took 2 bites of a peach, 1 bite of a plum, ate the meat off the fruit off the pits and had a few (literally - like 3?) blueberries.  And afterward? I felt guilty.  I felt like a failure.  Who eats 3 bites of fruit and feels like a failure?  This girl right here.  What I told myself was - what is the big difference of biting into the peach or squishing it and drinking it's juiced/pulpy form?  Well, there's a reason why you're only supposed to juice and not eat on this fast, so I told myself I will not do that again... unless, I'm like, dying of starvation.  Did I mention I'm hungry?

So what have I juiced today? Here's the list: beets, spinach, apples, kale, pears, blueberries (which are a total waste juiced - I'm not making this mistake again!), oranges, lemons, peaches, nectarines, plums, ginger and carrots.  I think that is it.  You can't fault me for memory loss - I'm only drinking liquids these days!

Know what sucks?  Watching your baby eat dinner when you can't eat food.  As it is babies make everything look good, and that's not even counting when you're on a juice fast!  The veggie burger, the peas, the cheese oozing out of the quesadilla I made her.... wtf!  I swear to you I had to hold myself back from eating a flake of tortilla or a piece of gooey cheese.  Seriously, how delicious is cheese?  And peas... when peas look delicious, you know you have a problem.  And although I'm watching her eat peas and blueberries and cheese... I'm fantasizing about eating pizza.  Not a slice, not 2 slices... but an entire cheese pizza.  Truth is, I've never done this.  But these days?-- I think I could!  What's ridiculous is the whole point of this juice fast is to re-train and re-program my body to become healthier and then want to eat more fruits and veggies and micronutrient foods.  Not me, I find myself counting down the moments until this experience is over so I can go get said pizza and devour it. 

I really hope this gets easier...  People who I've spoken to who have done this fast before say you just gotta get past day 3.  Tomorrow is day 3.  I really hope things get easier and better (see, I'm repeating myself... this is what starvation does to you!).  If not, I'll be dreaming of pizza and blending fruit and veggies.

Ta, ta for now friends!

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